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What to Expect

When you arrive at Harwood Pet Hospital, you can expect quality care for your pet.

You will be greeted warmly as we check you in, thanks for visiting us!

Here’s what to expect during your visit:

• As you check in, we will weigh your pet and gather any additional information needed for your visit.
• A veterinarian will then meet you, gather basic information about your pet’s health, examine your pet, talk about any questions or concerns you may have and discuss any recommendations, treatments or diagnostic tests that may be indicated.
• When the veterinary consultation is complete, you’ll go back to our front reception area where your billing and future appointment bookings will be handled.
• Depending on the reason for your visit, you may expect a follow-up call from one of our doctors or veterinary team members to get an update on how your pet has been doing since their visit.

We hope you enjoy your visit and the service we provide, and we would love to see you again!